DATS Standards

Working to global standards with you

DATS take great pride in being able to meet a broad selection of global standards. We are always excited and looking to work to new standards, so if you have a standards requirement for a project and don’t see the standard you require listed below, please contact us with your requirements as we may still be able to help you, and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Standards DATS have worked to in the past:

  • BS EN 61373:2010 - Railway Applications - Rolling Stock Equipment - Shock and Vibration Tests

  • BS EN 50317:2012 - Current Collection Systems - Requirements for and Validation of Measurements of the Dynamic Interaction between Pantograph and Overhead Contact Line

  • BS EN 50367:2020+A1:2022 Railway applications. Fixed installations and rolling stock. Criteria to achieve technical compatibility between pantographs and overhead contact line. Fixed installations and rolling stock - Criteria to achieve technical compatibility between pantographs and overhead contact line

  • BS EN 14363:2016+A2:2022 Railway applications. Testing and Simulation for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles. Running Behaviour and stationary tests

  • BS 7608:2014+A1:2015 Guide to fatigue design and assessment of steel products

  • BS ISO 8528-9:2017 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets. Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibrations

  • BS ISO 10816-6:1995+A1:2015 Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts. Reciprocating machines with power ratings above 100 kW

  • BS EN 13749:2021+A1:2023 Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies. Method of specifying the structural requirements of bogie frames

  • BS EN 12663-2:2010+A1:2023 Railway applications. Structural requirements of railway vehicle bodies. Freight wagons

  • BS EN ISO 3095:2013 Acoustics. Railway applications. Measurement of noise emitted by rail bound vehicles

  • BS EN 12299:2009 Railway applications. Ride comfort for passengers. Measurement and evaluation

  • ATSM E556/E556M-11:2011 Standard Test Method for Calibrating a Wheel Force or Torque Transducer Using a Calibrating Platform (User Level)

  • GMGN 2460:2008 Iss 1 - Guidance on Compliance with Noise and Vibration Legislation in the Railway Environment

  • GMRT 2130:2021 Iss 5.1 - Vehicle Fire, Safety and Evacuation

  • GMRT 2141:2019 Iss 4.1 - Permissible Track Forces and Resistance to Derailment and Roll-Over of Railway Vehicles

  • GMRT 2100:2023 Iss 6.2 - Rail Vehicle Structures and Passive Safety

  • RIS-2004-RST:2016 Iss 1 - Rail Vehicle Maintenance - Issue 5 - June 2012

  • S1180 A9:2017 - Standard for Rolling Stock

  • LOC PAS TSI 1302 2014 - concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the 'rolling stock - locomotives and passenger rolling stock' subsystem of the rail system

  • TSI 1304/2014-EN on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock - noise’ amending Decision 2008232EC and repealing Decision 2011 229 EU - 12 December 2014

  • UIC 518:2009 Iss 4 - Testing and Approval of Railway Vehicles from the point of view of their Dynamic Behaviour - Safety - Track Fatigue - Running Behaviour - 8

  • VDI 3838:2004 - Measurement and Evaluation of Mechanical Vibration of Reciprocating Piston Engines and Piston Compressors with Power Ratings above 100 kW - Addition to DIN ISO 10 816-6

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Step 1

Contact our Team

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Step 2

Discuss your Project

Our professional team will let you know how we can help you, and get a quote over to you as soon as possible.

Step 3

Getting started

Once we know that you are happy with your quote a member of our team will get you booked in.

Get in touch

Whatever the test, measurement or analysis project then DATS is the company for you! With our expert team of Engineers DATS is always on hand to help, with all the latest measurement technology and extensive experience. So why not click the button below and get in touch today. If you don’t see your services listed don’t panic! DATS may still be able to help you. A member of our friendly team will see how we can help.