Strain Gauging & Instrumentation Services

A Commitment To Excellence

We specialize in providing advanced strain gauging and instrumentation services. Our experienced, BSSM trained technicians utilize cutting-edge technology to deliver accurate, reliable measurements, crucial for structural analysis, research and quality assurance. Whether you're in aerospace, automotive or manufacturing, we ensure your projects are equipped with the right instrumentation.

Quantifying Stress with Strain gauge Measurement

These are some of the services we provide

    • Quarter bridge - Typically single element linear gauges which form the backbone of a test. Used in applications such as in service tests or life extension where calibration of the component is not required and temperature compensation is negligible (or compensated using a different device)

    • Half Bridge/Full bridge - Bending bridge, Poisson gauging, Axial load, Torsion and Shear - Self compensating for temperature.

    • Torsional Strain Gauges are specialized strain gauges that are applied to the surface of the component. A configuration of multiple strain gauges arranged in a pattern to capture strain in different directions, allows for the calculation of shear strain resulting from torsion. They measure the deformation of the material due to applied torque.

    • Typically used on beams or shafts installations can be calibrated in house on one of our torque calibration rigs.

    • All our engineers are assessed and qualified to install strain gauges by the BSSM (British Society of Strain Measurement)

    • Strain gauge instalation can be perfdormed on individual components or entire structures both at our workshop or on site.

    • We offer bespoke testing solutions such as high temperature, and ruggedised installations.

    • Wireless bridge sensor transmitters and receivers.

    • HIgh Temperature, Weldable, Instrument grade, and optical strain gauge solutions

    • Grid length and area

    • Material matching for expansion coefficients

    • Rosette theory

    • Solutions specific to the Installation environment

    • Choosing the correct adhesives and protective coatings

    • Instrumentation and calibration of structures and components.

    • Test stand/Rig Design such as fatigue or proof loading.

    • Independent advice and assistance with all aspects of strain gauging and strain gauge related testing.

    • Test management installation and data analysis.

  • Engine Raft Thermal / Stress performance

  • Multiple Unit Power and Transient Measurement

  • Rotating torque and strain measurements

Book a free consultation

Step 1

Contact our Team

Click the button below to get in touch with our friendly team and tell us about your project.

Step 2

Discuss your Project

Our professional team will let you know how we can help you, and get a quote over to you as soon as possible.

Step 3

Getting started

Once we know that you are happy with your quote a member of our team will get you booked in.

Get in touch

Whatever the test, measurement or analysis project then DATS is the company for you! With our expert team of Engineers DATS is always on hand to help, with all the latest measurement technology and extensive experience. So why not click the button below and get in touch today. If you don’t see your services listed don’t panic! DATS may still be able to help you. A member of our friendly team will see how we can help.